Unix 시스템별 사양을 알아내는 명령

1.       Sun Solaris

-          >prtconf ----a print system configuration

-          >psrinfo -v ---a system processor information

-          >sysdef ----a output system definition

-          >dmesg ----a collect system diagnostic messages to form error log

-          >showrev  [ -a|-p ] ----a Patch 적용 정보

2.       HP V2200

-          >Sam(Performance Monitors -> System Properties)

-          >Ioscan -fun|more ---a scan I/O system

-          >glance -> c  -----a cpu report

-          >glance -> m  ----a memory report

-          >mstm -> Device -> Current Device Status

3.       IBM

-          >smit ->장치

-          >lscfg

-          >lsdev

-          >bootinfo -r ---a Displays amount of real memory in kilobytes.

-          >bootinfo -s ----a Disk Displays disk size in megabytes.

4.       Compaq Tru64

-          >uerf -R -r 300|more

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