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- 가상화(Virtualization : Network, Server(OS), Storage) => 서버 통합(?)

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■ Clouding Computing

■ 솔라리스 가상화(Virtualization), 존(Zone)의 필요성
-------- 서버 -------
가상화(Virtualization)                     ======> 서버 통합
- 독립적인 서비스의 필요(운영체제보다 더 작은 단위의 운영체제 필요)
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- 관리자의 부담감소
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■ Sun의 가상화(Virtualization) 기술

솔라리스 존의 개요
l Solaris Container = Solaris Zone + Resource Manager
(Solaris SPARC/INTEL Platform)

각 벤더들의 서버 가상화를 위한 3가지 솔루션의 종류들 비교
l Domains and Partitions
These are consolidation schemes based on hardware solutions.
(EX) Sun Fire Domains, IBM LPARs, HP NPARs

- Virtual Maching
This is an application-level consolidation solutions.
(EX) IBM VM, VMWare, Sun Virtual Box.

- Operating System Partitions
This is an operating system-level solutions.
(EX) Sun Zone, FreeBSD Jails, Linux Vservers, IBM WPAR(Workload Partition)

The Solaris Zones partitioning(software partitioning) technology is used to virtualize operating system services and provide an isolated and secure environment for running applications. A zone is a virtualized operating system environment created within a single
instance of the Solaris Operating System.
When you create a zone, you produce an application execution environment in which processes are isolated from the rest of the system. This isolation prevents processes that are runningin one zone from monitoring or affecting processes that are running in other zones. Even a process running with superuser credentials cannot view or affect activity in other zones.

A zone also provides an abstract layer that separates applications from the physical attributes of the machine on which they are deployed. Examples of these attributes include physical device paths.
Zones can be used on any machine that is running at least the Solaris 10 release. The upper limit for the number of zones on a system is 8192. The number of zones that can be effectively hosted on a single system is determined by the total resource requirements of the application software running in all of the zones.
There are two types of non-global zone root file system models: sparse and whole root. The sparse root zone model optimizes the sharing of objects. The whole root zone model provides the maximum configurability.
Zones are ideal for environments that consolidate a number of applications on a single server.
The cost and complexity of managing numerous machines make it advantageous to consolidate several applications on larger, more scalable servers.

The following figure shows a system with four zones. Each of the zones apps, users, and work is running a workload unrelated to the workloads of the other zones, in a sample consolidated environment. This example illustrates that different versions of the same application can be run without negative consequences in different zones, to match the consolidation requirements.
Each zone can provide a customized set of services.
Zones enable more efficient resource utilization on your system. Dynamic resource reallocation permits unused resources to be shifted to other containers as needed. Fault and security isolation mean that poorly behaved applications do not require a dedicated and under-utilized system. With the use of zones, these applications can be consolidated with other applications.
Zones allow you to delegate some administrative functions while maintaining overall system security.

■ 솔라리스 존의 새로운 특징(Solaris Zone News)
l (Solaris 10 06/06) Support for the ZFS file system, including the ability to add a dataset
resource in a native non-global zone, has been added. (UFS, ZFS 파일시스템 사용가능)
l (Solaris 10 11/06) Support for configurable privileges has been added.
l (Solaris 10 08/07) Support for the following features has been added to the zonecfg

■ Better integration of resource management features and zones. The zonecfg command can
now be used to configure temporary pools, memory limits, the default scheduling class for
the zone, and resource control aliases. You no longer have to perform any manual steps to
set up resource management.New resource controls were added:
    ■ zone.max-locked-memory
    ■ zone.max-msg-ids
    ■ zone.max-sem-ids
    ■ zone.max-shm-ids
    ■ zone.max-shm-memory
    ■ zone.max-swap
    ■ Ability to use the zonecfg command in the global zone.
    ■ Ability to specify an IP type for a zone. The two IP types available for non-global
zones are shared-IP(물리적인 NIC의 가상 인터페이스 설정) and exclusive-IP(물리적인 NIC를
Zone이 독립적으로 가지고 설정).

■ Ability to useDTrace in a zone by adding required privileges through the limit priv

■ Ability to use boot arguments in a zone through the bootargs property.
l (Solaris 10 10/08) The defrouter property has been added to the net resource in the zonecfg
utility for shared-IP non-global zones. You can set the default router for the network
interface through this property.


사업자 정보 표시
(주)블루원 | 김홍태 | 서울특별시 용산구 원효로 4가 135 금홍 2빌딩 | 사업자 등록번호 : 106-86-76684 | TEL : 02-3272-7200 | Mail : support_ora@blueone.co.kr | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기

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